The comings and goings of April

Belinda from the office attended her refreshers First Aid Course, to keep her updated on the changes over the past three years and I also attended a First Aid Course.  We both got to practice on Resuscitation Annie who is the world’s most famous life sized doll.  The story of Resusci Anne is inextricably linked to the birth of resuscitation and her legacy continues to inspire ‘helping save lives’. In the wake of her success, modern day simulation training for today’s healthcare professionals owes much to this iconic manikin. While it is estimated that 300 million people worldwide have been trained in CPR on Resusci Anne.   The course we both attended was run by the Red Cross.

A new member joined the team this month:-  Jason Bradley

Jason has joined us to Supervise our Material Preparation Room.  Jason grew up on the Island and since leaving education he has gained various skills working for  several different types of manufacturing businesses.

Jason Bradley

Wight Fire Co. Limited were on site to carry out the six monthly maintenance check on our Fire Alarm and the annual check on our Fire Equipment and I am pleased to say all equipment was in good working order.  Wight Fire specialise in all aspects of fire safety and are a B.S.I. ISO 9001 approved company.

During the past month we have been extremely busy with the manufacturing and machining of Ceramic Components with all departments running at full capacity.   We have seen again this month some very interesting projects come through the shop floor, a few of which have proved rather challenging for our Engineers, but upon completion the achievement has been immense.  All the head scratching was soon forgotten and replaced by smiles.   Our work schedule for May is looking busy with an array of components requiring various manufacturing processes.


Above Macor Component

Above various componments manufactured by Ceramic Parts China

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Building D, Liyukeng Industrial Zone, Shiyan, Baoan, Shenzhen, China.
Tel: +86-755-26793058
Fax: +86-755-26793058

Members of The Federation of Small Business Members of Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce Accreditation Web Design by Shiyan